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  • Helps Support a Healthy Heart
  • Easy to Dose (1mg to 1ml)
  • Liposomal Water-Soluble Technology
  • Maximum Bioavailability
  • THC Free



Oral Suspension Cannabis Supplement


Designed for optimum absorption, easy administration and an ultimate taste experience! Our oral suspension gels are formulated with our proprietary water-soluble CBD, real fruit, and health supporting vitamins.

As result of the robust scientific data that has enable this product (which is enriched with vitamin B1)  to be the first CBD product on the UK market that can claim to support a Healthy Heart, approved and certified by the European Food Safety Authority.

If you are looking for a CBD product that is good for your heart, look no further.


Maximum Bioavailability

CBD Health liposomal technology provides superior absorption! Outperforming traditional delivery methods.

It’s common knowledge that oil and water do not mix. It’s also known that the human body is made up of approximately 90% water! CBD is an oil soluble, therefore has a very poor absorption rate through traditional administration methods.


The liposomal encapsulation delivers a higher percentage of CBD into the bloodstream. Not only does the liposomal method utilise CBD better, it is more effective and more affordable. Less CBD is required compared to traditional delivery routes.


How to Use

It has never been easier to deliver an exact dosage of CBD, using our oral applicator, we have developed this product to be exactly 1mg of CBD for every mL.


Depending on the dosage you choose, you can be assured you’re delivering a consistent dose time and time again.


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